Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Putting the Past Behind Me

Today will be the end of my two year long career in IT staffing. Next Tuesday will mark the beginning of my new profession. Even though I am leaving an industry I know was never made for me in the first place, I felt it necessary to capture what I've learned in written form.

To be an Account Manager is to be someones bitch (I'll elaborate on this later). I know this won't come as a shock to most of you but for those of you who aren't aware; the AM role is stressful, demanding and unrewarding (except monetarily if you last that long). After analyzing the past two years of my life and breaking down the top lessons I've learned, I saw that they were easily categorized into 'the good, the bad and the ugly'. Ironically enough, the staffing industry does depict a violent, western industry of organized business crime; and no that is not a direct parallel but I got a chuckle that it was comparable.

The Good:
1. The Power of Listening- Anyone who knows me, knows I am a talker. And anyone who meets me, will know I am a talker with in a matter of minutes. While a part of this is my infatuation with the power of communication (which I know will never go away); the other part is my immaturity- An easily correctable factor. Over the past couple years I've realized I want to be known as a good listener rather than as a good talker. This is not to say I place any less importance on the ability to speak well but it does reverse my original prioritization. People enjoy being around those who listen. People do not enjoy being around people who talk incessantly, or better yet those who are so transparent that the other party is aware he/she is not listening but rather waiting for their turn to speak yet again. I have such high goals for my future in business that I have no doubt this little gem of listening more than speaking will help carry me further in my career.

The Bad:
1. I've realized I was in the wrong industry fairly early on. But just because one has a revelation doesn't mean he/she has the ability to act on it right away. So up until this point, I've been doing my job to the best of my ability, meeting incredible people, learning and seeking escapes. When I really sat down and asked myself "What is it exactly that you can't stand about being an AM?"... my answer came: It is devastating to be blamed for another persons action's that I have absolutely no control over.

In this business, the AM gets blamed for any Joe Schmoe's decision about taking a job or quitting a job, lying about other interviews/opportunities she is exploring/his criminal background, etc. The list goes on for days! In others jobs, jobs I desire, you take responsibility for yourself and for your team (if you are a manager of some type or really just a leader in general). But you should not/would not get punished for another humans actions that were unavoidable by anything you could've done. When I mess up, I will always (eventually) own it. But if there is an occurrence that happens as a result of something I have absolutely zero control over, I have a hard time swallowing the lecture handed my way. In this industry, this occurs at least once a week... really starts to eat away at your spirit.

The Ugly:
1. Attention any and all managers that hire and use agencies to do so...the staffing industry is deceptive & dirty. This is not to say that all companies (and I've experienced both sides of that spectrum in my short two year stint) in staffing are as described, but rather a large portion. I am a very morale person, always have been. The handful of moral mishaps that I've had in my life haunt me and haunt me well. So, knowing this about me, you will deduce that I have extreme cognitive dissonance in the AM role. Always being pressured to raise rates or to push for this or that or whatever just continued to hang over me day in and day out. Knowing that I wouldn't give in earned me respect among clients and anger from my superiors in the business.

No matter the category, I'm grateful for the wisdom and even more grateful for the opportunity to embark on the beginning of my new career.
Before this transition takes form on Tuesday, I'm headed to Seattle with the big guy.

Grateful and Ready,

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am working at 'Company A' presently, I am starting at 'Company B' in a week.

I just had lunch with the CEO of Co. A having him convince me that I should stay with Co. A. I asked him why he was spending his valuable & limited time with me; I'm inexperienced, have a mediocre amount of deals closed, and don't like selling in the least. He said I wouldn't be spending time with you unless you are worth it, unless I saw all the charcteristics in you that I want as a future leader in my company, someone worth having on my team.

How do you deal with that? Walking away from an industry you are not satisfied in, with a leader who believes in your potential almost more than you do a company where you will take a different path, hopefully (*fingers crossed*) leading you in the right direction for you career where the CEO will not know your name for a good 5-10 years let alone have lunch with you...

I have goals. All these goals I want to reach. I can see them; I can see them in clear view. But the path to getting there is fuzzy and ever so slowly divulging itself. I need it to divulge itself faster. Or at least I think I do, maybe I don't. Who really knows the correct timing until it reveals itself. When it does I will assuredly take a big sigh and say "Ohhh, that's what was meant to happen. I see". In the mean time to discovering my future, my utopia would entail taking my present CEO to my industry/company.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The last couple weeks have been a blur; not necessarily job wise but life in general. The wise thing would've been to blog as everything was developing rather than having this detail-limiting synopsis. But we all see the route I took now don't we?...Where to start, Ok:

-I came down with strep throat and was utterly useless for 3 days. I went to the my Doctor complaining of debilitating sore throat and a fever. Due to this crazy swine flu chaos he asked if I'd been to Mexico and when I said " yes actually, Cancun" he looked at me as if I'd just told him I used to be a man. He had a cute, medical student with him -whom we'll call "Joe". Joe looked at me as if 'oh man, I'm going to be the first 3rd year with a swine flu case! jackpot! OH....wait, we're in a very small space...I'm going to be the first 3rd year to catch swine flu....crap'. Both Jow and the Doctor paused with excitment and fear in their eyes before finally asking me "When did you go?" I told him 3 weeks ago and he dismissed the swine flu idea, took a throat culture and confirmed strep. Joe was slightly disappointed and relieved at the results. At this point in the exam I feel so bad I'm about to pass out so of course a nurse comes in with needles. Awesome. She says "You will get two shots. Do you want them both on one side or one on each?" A very vague statement but one who has been to the doctor in the last decade would assume she meant 'arm' by 'side'. But alas, I was incorrect. As I lifted up my shirt sleeve she giggled, slightly evil if I may say so, and said "oh no honey, this one goes in the toush"...........

-We had to get Kona a new home. Precious dog but in dire need of attention for a full 30 minutes each hour. Reggie was not having that and is condemned to a life of only-child syndrome. My friend Paul is Kona's new parent, I've been demoted to Aunt Aubrey.

-I threw my first bachelorette party. If I do say so myself it was a success! Of course, this entailed talking to more strippers via the phone in one week than I've talked to in my entire life. And as I'm sure if you've ever thrown a party that called for an 'exotic dancer' you will know that the picture you chose is not necessarily who shows up at your door. I picked 'tall, dark and handsome' and received 'short, old and leathery'. But it doesn't even matter...."Officer Hunter" was a show stopper and basically made the party in his top gun glasses and pull-away pants.

-We were without internet & television for 6 days! Six days with out internet and TV was so bad that I might as well moved to an Amish community and handed in my blow dryer.

- I began this crazy diet last week. Not a crash diet, no pills and yes I'm still eating; however, it involves no salt, sugar, fat or dairy...aka-no happiness. So I may or may not be a bit cranky, sorry Brad. On May 30th I will be walking down the aisle.... not as the bride, but the maid of honor. Along side me will be 4 other bridesmaids; all the width of a #2 pencil and about as tall as Yao Ming. Needless to say I need to lose 47 pounds in 2 weeks and grow to the height of a typical super model. I fear I will be referred to as "oh ya know, the short, round one"....gaaah.

Finally, on to my job Hunt in Houston. The following is a tally:
2 rejection emails (GE and BMC)
1 "We've decided to retract this requirement and repost at a later time" email (Shell)
1 "You've made it through the first round" email (BP) YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!
1 phone call from a IT staffing company in New York who is convinced, after speaking with me for 10 short mintues, that I'm the one he wants to start his Houston office. Hmm, flattered but mostly skeptical that this man would really go through with entrusting a 24 year old, with less than 2 years experience, to start and expand his Houston office. Doesn't matter, my non-compete solved that one.

Lately I find myself sleeping later and later. First it was 8:30, then 9:15, then 10:25, then I'm sorry to say I slept until 11 for 3 days straight. I finally realized that is not the best strategy so today I woke up at 8:30 (hopefully not to begin the cycle again). The whole point is, what do I have to wake up for? I hit my two month mark and realized that is 1 month and 3 weeks too long to not be working. I feel...stike that, I AM worthless without a job, just worthless. But, I have to be positive and I still maintain my same outlook; I won't settle for something I know isn't good for me or my future and the right job is coming- just probably not this afternoon.

Until then I'm headed to Kansas for a Wedding shower this weekend.

Hire me,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Rough Day

Yesterday was a rough day. In fact it was my first rough day in my hunt for career. I had applied to this job posted for Sysco, there were only four jobs listed in Houston and one was just made for me. (At least that's what I thought). It was titled 'National Account Manager- Forums Purchasing' and it's only requirement was one year of health care sales/customer service experience. I have one year of sales/customer service experience as an Account Manger, majority of my clients were oil & gas/energy companies but I did have the pleasure of working with Health care customers as well. The description that was listed was basically describing my previous work minus the negative aspects and plus a few positive ones. Needless to say I was ecstatic- I uploaded my resume, wrote a passionate cover letter and clicked 'submit'. One week later I get this:

Thank you for your interest in the National Account Manager - Forum Purchasing position here at Sysco.

We have reviewed your resume and have decided to pursue other candidates. New positions are posted daily and we encourage you to review the Sysco career site and apply for other open positions. We appreciate your continued interest in Sysco and wish you the best of success in your career search.

Thank you.

Ugh. I literally felt like crying. I had failed, without even having the chance to succeed. Did they even read my resume? Did they even read my cover letter? The cover letter that took me and hour to perfect. Or did they do a random word search test by using some glitch-filled computer program? money is on the latter. Begin tangent:

One day, one day when I am the leader of some amazing organization/company/corporation- I will remember that you cannot tell a person's worth based on their resume. Who decided this, who even invented resumes? I will remember to maintain my character/integrity and I will remember to always be the example of the type of employee I want to hire. End tangent:

Rejection is a hard pill to swallow. I didn't post yesterday as all this was unveiling because the above tangent would've extended three pages. And also, more importantly, because I needed a day to make sense of that email. My naivety had the best of me- This isn't going to happen overnight, though I want it to so badly. --> I'm losing my spirit- something I've always held on to with great conviction. I miss getting up in the morning, putting on my business attire, drinking coffee, and having an immediate purpose. I miss that so much it's beginning to hurt. I want to be apart of something, something business, where I am aiding in the success. Where I am an integral part of the team with goals. Yesterday was the first day where these feelings kicked in with a vengeance.

I still have my faith that the right career is out there for me and I'm still very positive that I will find it. Yesterday I misplaced it. I misplaced it somewhere between job application #713, getting a pedicure that failed to cheer me up and seeing the Oprah show for the 15th day in a row... sigh. I found it again, the spirit is still with me. I have to be careful not to lose it again... no matter how many "Thank you for your interest" emails I may receive.

Hire me Houston,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Aries, Pat Sajak, Interviews and Kona

I realize my several day lapse in an update labels me a "bad blogger". Please accept my apology and sincere oath to try updating much more frequently. My only excuses are the Easter weekend (which I hope everyone had as enjoyable a holiday as I did), I have a new puppy (aka- toddler) and that I had my first interview. Let's start with the interview; It was.... disappointing. My understanding was the company did marketing for sporting events, small businesses and corporate engagements. I get to the interview and the manager wasn't much older than I, which I could take as a good sign expecting quick-paced promotions or I could take it for what it was- way too early of promotions. He was very nice, but very uninformative. My first sign that this was not going to be what I had hoped for was that his stomach wouldn't stop rumbling, we're talking incessant noises coming from his digestive system. He had just eaten lunch and it was absolutely hilarious and distracting all at the same time. He had to stop twice and apologize for the noises. The second sign was that I had so many good and necessary questions that one should definitely ask in an interview and he would not let me ask them for the life of me. He rushed me out of there like a teenager hosting a party when his parents just got back from vacation. He called me later that evening to offer me a second interview the following day. After weighing the pros/cons of the job (well, the ones that I knew) earlier that day, I knew I was going to decline that offer if it presented itself. I was proud that I got the second interview offer but I was also reminded of one of my key strategies when finding my next position.... do.not.settle. (the other to remain full of faith and very positive) I'm not looking for a job, I'm looking for a career.

I have a dog named Reggie (pictured left); he is neurotic, paranoid and very needy. I love him more than ice cream (which is saying a lot). This weekend Brad and I were in the courtyard of my place and one of our neighbors, very sneakily, pawned a puppy upon us. We were skeptical but figured we'd test drive him for the weekend to see how he worked out with Reggie. I should back up a bit, we had been toying with the idea of getting another dog seeing as how I have the availability to train and play with one at this time. Apparently, our neighbors sensed this and pounced.
Well we've since had the puppy for 6 days; taken him to the vet, bought him food, toys, a bed, etc. and of course, sealed the deal by naming him. I'm obsessed with coffee, Brad and I both are obsessed with coffee shops so we decided to name him "Kona" after the best coffee ever made. He is all black and about as hyper as someone who'd just topped of 6 cups of freshly brewed Kona so the name is pretty close to perfect. Needless to say I feel like a stay at home mother; Brad is at work all day and Kona is relentless. He climbs on top of my on the couch, we're talking on the highest part where you rest your head. Then he will use my body like a mountain and just hike around. He puts absolutely everything in his mouth no matter it's edibility, and he eats more than a sumo wrestler in training. However on the plus side Kona (pictured right) is the antithesis of Reggie. Very playful, loves everyone including children and doesn't bark at the slight of sound. Plus, the other day I printed something and he went the printer, pawed at it for a second, picked up my paper with his teeth and brought it to me! I didn't think a dog could be a component for making one lazy; but Kona may just be the ticket. We still aren't sure if we're going to keep him for fear of him getting too big for an apartment and Reggie never really adjusting to his new sibling. But for the time being, we figure why not give him a good home and show him some love.

I came across this article and apparently because my zodiac sign is an Aries I'm extremely competitive and enjoy being in charge. (Well, I cant' say both are wrong) The article says I would be an excellent Surgeon and Cop... two highly different careers, and neither of which I'm interested in. I find it ironic that the article, and zodiac signs in general, categorize someone born between Date A and Date B to be a certain way. It's as if to say of I was born Date A- 1 hour I would be an entirely different person just because of that one hour difference. All my logic tells me that's crazy, however I don't know much about Astrology so this is strictly a novice opinion aimed at offending no one.

And to conclude on a random note...
People whose jobs I have no idea how they got in the first place and would enjoy being the understudy:
1. Pat Sajak ; and no I would not want to be Vanna instead- Too much walking involved :)
2. The host of Cash Cab, Ben Bailey
3. Kim Kardashian, reality TV star. Other than having the body parts of a brunette barbie, what did she do exactly?
4. Paris Hilton, host of My BFF on MTV and heir to a hotel fortune. Thanks Daddy! (and yes that is her song playing on the website)
Ok I admit I know that #3 and #4 were simply born into their role and that is how they obtained their "job". So I'm more than positive they did not post their resumes on Monster nor attend painstaking interviews until they found the right one.

I realize this post has been very random and chaotic. I had so much I wanted to comment on and unfortunately they did not really connect. I hope you enjoyed reading the chaos as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Hire me Houston,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Past does not determine future

I posted my finalized resume yesterday on Monster and Career Builder. In the past 30 hours I have received approximately 8 offers to sell insurance.... ugh. Should I title my resume "I do not want to sell insurance" or is that too forward? Here are two examples of the emails that are flooding my inbox:
1. "I am ____ for ______ Insurance Group looking f
or a successful, business-minded individual with a strong desire for personal growth, career fulfillment, and financial success. Based on my initial review of your resume, I believe you may be an excellent fit for our Career Opportunity in sales with ______ Insurance and Financial Services. We are currently developing new agencies in Houston and surrounding areas"
2. "We are conducting interviews in our Houston Regional Office this week and would like to schedule an interview with you on Friday, April 10th, at 9:30AM. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the specific details of the position including compensation."

I have this dilemma. My first job, my starter career, the job I am no longer at... is NOT what I want to be doing. It was a learning job; I gained invaluable knowledge about myself and my strengths and realized I need to go in a different direction to be satisfied and fulfilled. When you graduate from college and are not holding an Engineering/I.T. degree, headed to law school, medical school or straight to get your masters - you are ecstatic about getting a job! You don't know if it's what your made to do or how long it will last but you are enthused and ready to start contributing to society. You simply wake up in the morning, put on your business attire, stop by Starbucks, go to work and do the best you can until that 5 o'clock whistle blows. (At least that's what I did) I am a true believer in utilizing your God given talents to the fullest; So how do I post a resume asking people to give me a chance in a career I don't have any "hands on" experience with but know, with out a doubt, I would thrive in? This is a question I will continue to ask myself, but regardless of the answer I am extremely hopeful and faithful that the right job will come my way. It's just a matter of when.

Finding a new career is like finding a new boyfriend/girlfriend, you don't want your past to dictate your future. But sometimes that is hard to disregard...there lies my hurdle.

Hire me,

Monday, April 6, 2009

fresh tan, fresh outlook

Brad and I went to Cancun for 3 days. I know you are all thinking two things: 1. Who is Brad? (A: the boyfriend) and 2: This has nothing to do with finding your next career Aubrey. (A: Oh, but it does) We spent 3 glorious days by the beach/pool enjoying the breeze of the Caribbean. We even got a massage on the beach! I am a firm believer in the power of massages and let me tell you; nothing demands your mind to release it's stress like the crystal, blue ocean and a woman named 'Lety' forcing your muscles to relax with coconut oil. By removing oneself from the constant pressure and overwhelming thoughts of "job, job, job, must get a job"- one returns refreshed and ready to conquer any dilemma head on. I guess I should clarify, I do not view my current unemployed status as a 'dilemma' but rather a challenge and a blessing all rolled into one. A blessing that I'm grateful for, a blessing that removed me from a job where I wasn't growing or utilizing my strengths to the fullest. A challenge I not only want to conquer but dominate. I don't just want a job, I want a lifestyle in which I can thrive.

We stayed at The Gran Caribe Real which was all-inclusive resort- endless food, drink, and Speedo sightings all rolled into one price. During the Mexican Show on Saturday night, Brad and I encountered a very interesting couple. I was busy watching the cultural dancing, lasso rope demonstration and ah yes, the cock fight. No, No I'm not joking. They actually brought two roosters on stage and we watching this bizarre, yet hypnotizing, custom. While I was wide-eyed watching the roosters go at it, the man from the couple was extremely chatty with Brad about his job. And while his incessant talking was certainly annoying to the table and myself (Brad, patiently listening with a smile, much better person than I) his words were passionate. He spoke about his job with such pride you would think it was his child. He happened to be a Software Purchasing Contract Negotiator... Obviously not what his business card says but that was how he described it. Now while everyone knows I'm not programmer and I can't walk the walk when it comes to I.T., I can for the most part talk the talk so listening to his lingo wasn't at all confusing. Plus, it wasn't the context I was interested in rather the emotion behind the words which is easy to pick up if you are truly listening. He was from Calgary and had done this job for most his life (him being in his mid 60's now). He was the expert in his field, he talked like the Doctor who just discovered the cure for AIDS- no one could touch him. And then, amongst the cock fight, pina coladas and the never ending run-ons from this man's mouth- I.was.envious.

He was proud of what he did for a living and he made it his art, his masterpiece. He actually said "I love what I do". A limited amount of people can utter those words as the truth. I want that, I don't want just any job, but I want a job where I will wake up each morning and be excited to see what I accomplish and who I can help that day. I know this may sound a bit 'after school special' but I don't mind; I'm refreshed and ready to conquer what is "The Job Search".

With a fresh tan and with a fresh outlook on my challenge...
Hire me,