Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The last couple weeks have been a blur; not necessarily job wise but life in general. The wise thing would've been to blog as everything was developing rather than having this detail-limiting synopsis. But we all see the route I took now don't we?...Where to start, Ok:

-I came down with strep throat and was utterly useless for 3 days. I went to the my Doctor complaining of debilitating sore throat and a fever. Due to this crazy swine flu chaos he asked if I'd been to Mexico and when I said " yes actually, Cancun" he looked at me as if I'd just told him I used to be a man. He had a cute, medical student with him -whom we'll call "Joe". Joe looked at me as if 'oh man, I'm going to be the first 3rd year with a swine flu case! jackpot! OH....wait, we're in a very small space...I'm going to be the first 3rd year to catch swine flu....crap'. Both Jow and the Doctor paused with excitment and fear in their eyes before finally asking me "When did you go?" I told him 3 weeks ago and he dismissed the swine flu idea, took a throat culture and confirmed strep. Joe was slightly disappointed and relieved at the results. At this point in the exam I feel so bad I'm about to pass out so of course a nurse comes in with needles. Awesome. She says "You will get two shots. Do you want them both on one side or one on each?" A very vague statement but one who has been to the doctor in the last decade would assume she meant 'arm' by 'side'. But alas, I was incorrect. As I lifted up my shirt sleeve she giggled, slightly evil if I may say so, and said "oh no honey, this one goes in the toush"...........

-We had to get Kona a new home. Precious dog but in dire need of attention for a full 30 minutes each hour. Reggie was not having that and is condemned to a life of only-child syndrome. My friend Paul is Kona's new parent, I've been demoted to Aunt Aubrey.

-I threw my first bachelorette party. If I do say so myself it was a success! Of course, this entailed talking to more strippers via the phone in one week than I've talked to in my entire life. And as I'm sure if you've ever thrown a party that called for an 'exotic dancer' you will know that the picture you chose is not necessarily who shows up at your door. I picked 'tall, dark and handsome' and received 'short, old and leathery'. But it doesn't even matter...."Officer Hunter" was a show stopper and basically made the party in his top gun glasses and pull-away pants.

-We were without internet & television for 6 days! Six days with out internet and TV was so bad that I might as well moved to an Amish community and handed in my blow dryer.

- I began this crazy diet last week. Not a crash diet, no pills and yes I'm still eating; however, it involves no salt, sugar, fat or dairy...aka-no happiness. So I may or may not be a bit cranky, sorry Brad. On May 30th I will be walking down the aisle.... not as the bride, but the maid of honor. Along side me will be 4 other bridesmaids; all the width of a #2 pencil and about as tall as Yao Ming. Needless to say I need to lose 47 pounds in 2 weeks and grow to the height of a typical super model. I fear I will be referred to as "oh ya know, the short, round one"....gaaah.

Finally, on to my job Hunt in Houston. The following is a tally:
2 rejection emails (GE and BMC)
1 "We've decided to retract this requirement and repost at a later time" email (Shell)
1 "You've made it through the first round" email (BP) YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!
1 phone call from a IT staffing company in New York who is convinced, after speaking with me for 10 short mintues, that I'm the one he wants to start his Houston office. Hmm, flattered but mostly skeptical that this man would really go through with entrusting a 24 year old, with less than 2 years experience, to start and expand his Houston office. Doesn't matter, my non-compete solved that one.

Lately I find myself sleeping later and later. First it was 8:30, then 9:15, then 10:25, then I'm sorry to say I slept until 11 for 3 days straight. I finally realized that is not the best strategy so today I woke up at 8:30 (hopefully not to begin the cycle again). The whole point is, what do I have to wake up for? I hit my two month mark and realized that is 1 month and 3 weeks too long to not be working. I feel...stike that, I AM worthless without a job, just worthless. But, I have to be positive and I still maintain my same outlook; I won't settle for something I know isn't good for me or my future and the right job is coming- just probably not this afternoon.

Until then I'm headed to Kansas for a Wedding shower this weekend.

Hire me,