Thank you for your interest in the National Account Manager - Forum Purchasing position here at Sysco.
We have reviewed your resume and have decided to pursue other candidates. New positions are posted daily and we encourage you to review the Sysco career site and apply for other open positions. We appreciate your continued interest in Sysco and wish you the best of success in your career search.
Thank you.
Ugh. I literally felt like crying. I had failed, without even having the chance to succeed. Did they even read my resume? Did they even read my cover letter? The cover letter that took me and hour to perfect. Or did they do a random word search test by using some glitch-filled computer program? money is on the latter. Begin tangent:
One day, one day when I am the leader of some amazing organization/company/corporation- I will remember that you cannot tell a person's worth based on their resume. Who decided this, who even invented resumes? I will remember to maintain my character/integrity and I will remember to always be the example of the type of employee I want to hire. End tangent:
Rejection is a hard pill to swallow. I didn't post yesterday as all this was unveiling because the above tangent would've extended three pages. And also, more importantly, because I needed a day to make sense of that email. My naivety had the best of me- This isn't going to happen overnight, though I want it to so badly. --> I'm losing my spirit- something I've always held on to with great conviction. I miss getting up in the morning, putting on my business attire, drinking coffee, and having an immediate purpose. I miss that so much it's beginning to hurt. I want to be apart of something, something business, where I am aiding in the success. Where I am an integral part of the team with goals. Yesterday was the first day where these feelings kicked in with a vengeance.
I still have my faith that the right career is out there for me and I'm still very positive that I will find it. Yesterday I misplaced it. I misplaced it somewhere between job application #713, getting a pedicure that failed to cheer me up and seeing the Oprah show for the 15th day in a row... sigh. I found it again, the spirit is still with me. I have to be careful not to lose it again... no matter how many "Thank you for your interest" emails I may receive.
Hire me Houston,